Main » CMS Extensions » WordPress » YiThemes - YITH Paypal Adaptive Payments for WooCommerce Premium v1.0.22
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YiThemes - YITH Paypal Adaptive Payments for WooCommerce Premium v1.0.22

YiThemes - YITH Paypal Adaptive Payments for WooCommerce Premium v1.0.22

* The plugin is no longer purchasable since Paypal recently discontinued PayPal Adaptive Payments service. Imagine this scenario: You are spending time with a colleague of yours while you get the idea of selling online a product you are going to work together at, after the initial moment of euphoria, then a list of questions wil arise such as: How will we divide the income? When are we going to get paid? Who is going to keep track of the payments? Unfortunately in most cases, these questions are not easily answered and can be cause to a lot of frustration. This could be the case of a video course, a music file or any kind of creative work you decided to share 50% of your income with. !!! The plugin is no longer purchasable since Paypal recently discontinued PayPal Adaptive Payments service. We are working on updating the plugin to meet the upcoming GDPR. The plugin will be compatible before the May 25 GDPR deadline.
