Main » Scripts » PHP » CodeCanyon - NexoPOS v3.14.33 - Extendable PHP Point of Sale - 16195010 - NULLED
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CodeCanyon - NexoPOS v3.14.33 - Extendable PHP Point of Sale - 16195010 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - NexoPOS v3.14.33 - Extendable PHP Point of Sale - 16195010 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - NexoPOS v3.14.33 - Extendable PHP Point of Sale - 16195010 - NULLED

TOOLS USED: CodeIgniter 3.1.0 | TendooCMS 3.1.3 | AdminLTE 2.3.3 | jQuery | Underscore | Moment.js | Carbon : extension for DateTime | GlyphIcons | Bootstrap | Bootstrap Notify | jQuery UI | Bootstrap TimePicker | CanvasLoader | Bootbox | GroceryCrud | AngularJS | VueJS