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CodeCanyon - ChatBot for FaceBook Messenger v1.9.9 - 23941596

CodeCanyon - ChatBot for FaceBook Messenger v1.9.9 - 23941596

CodeCanyon - ChatBot for FaceBook Messenger v1.9.9 - 23941596

Extend the WordPress ChatBot WPBot and Woocommerce ChatBot WoowBot’s functionality so the ChatBot can chat with your users on a Facebook Page & Facebook Messenger! Utilize our ChatBot on your website as a hub to respond to customer questions powered by DialogFlow’s machine learning, do website search (for WPBot) or product search (for WoowBot) on the FaceBook and Messenger. This FaceBook Messenger ChatBot addon supports user interactions as the ChatBot will normally do on your website but also as a ChatBot on FaceBook Messenger and on your FaceBook Page! The plugin also supports FB page admin handover protocol for bot and human messaging so you can take over the conversation as page admin any time you are online!. Provide 24/7 Intelligent customer support through a combination of ChatBot & Humans to increase sales and conversations!
