Main » CMS Extensions » WordPress » CodeCanyon - AutoBlog Iframe Extension v1.1.4 - Plugin for WordPress - 25657451 - NULLED
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CodeCanyon - AutoBlog Iframe Extension v1.1.4 - Plugin for WordPress - 25657451 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - AutoBlog Iframe Extension v1.1.4 - Plugin for WordPress - 25657451 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - AutoBlog Iframe Extension v1.1.4 - Plugin for WordPress - 25657451 - NULLED

AutoBlog Iframe Extension Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge iframe content embedder. It will use iframes to automatically embed original article posts to your site! The goal is to achieve the following: AutoBlog Iframe Extension will automatically create content for your site, using iframes to embed the original content automatically to your site. Iframes are really loved by Google, because they are categorized as “fair use” of the original content – thus your site will not get any duplicate content SEO penalties.
