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PublishPress Pro v3.3.0 - Improve Your WordPress Publishing + PublishPress Plugins

PublishPress Pro v3.3.0 - Improve Your WordPress Publishing + PublishPress Plugins

PublishPress is the plugin for managing and scheduling WordPress conten. PublishPress is ideal for WordPress sites that publish high-quality content. Using the PublishPress Calendar, you’re able to see when content is planned, and when it is published. You can create content directly on the calendar. You can drag-and-drop posts to a new publication date. There are also flexible Notifications to keep your team up-to-date on all content changes. PublishPress Plugins: PublishPress Pro v3.1.0 | PublishPress Slack v1.6.0 | PublishPress Revisions Pro v2.5.1 | PublishPress Reminders v1.2.0 | PublishPress Permissions Pro v3.5 | PublishPress Checklists Pro v2.4.2 | PublishPress Capabilities Pro v2.0.1 | PublishPress Authors Pro v3.13.1
