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MXTools Form Cutter 2.1
MXTools Form Cutter 2.1
Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2017-2021


It is used to cut inward or outward in objects along a freehand path that you draw with the tool and provides various ways to do so.

FormCutter covers a range of uses, from quick ideation to final output, to developing interactive projects and playing with your ideas, including a few options to help you to improve the aesthetics of your designs.

Crea3D – Camera Studio v1.0

Camera Studio allows you to animate cameras much faster!
You can create an orbit or spiral motion around selected objects with just 1 click and easily manipulate it. There is a number of other motion presets. Add shake to selected cameras when you need.
The motion path function allows you to create a seamless motion between several reference cameras.

MXTools Decal Placer 1.0
Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2017-2021


DecalPlacer is a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max utilizing on placing decals on objects, which can help you to speed up your work.

How to Install:

In the Main Menu, go to Scripting > Run Script…, select *.mzp file and click Open.
Or just drag and drop the *.mzp file into the 3DS Max viewport;
Click Install on Installer Dialog.

After ‘Install Successfully’ you can assign a keyboard shortcut. Found the tool in:

Customize > Customize User Interface > Category > MxTools > DecalPlacer

MXTools Light Placer 1.1
Version Requirement: 3ds Max 2017-2021


LightPlacer is a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max utilizing on placing lights, which can help you to speed up your work.

Necessary Plugins:

You will need to have at least one version of one of the rendering engines installed!

Supports the following 3rd Party Renderers: Vray, Corona, Arnold, Octane.

How to Install:

In the Main Menu, go to Scripting > Run Script…, select *.mzp file and click Open.
Or just drag and drop the *.mzp file into the 3DS Max viewport;
Click Install on Installer Dialog.

After ‘Install Successfully’ you can assign a keyboard shortcut. Found the tool in:

Customize > Customize User Interface > Category > MxTools > LightPlacer