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Cover Sketch Photoshop Action - 6576388

Cover Sketch Photoshop Action - 6576388

ATN ABR | 86 Mb

This Cover Sketch Photoshop Action are perfect for photographers and designers. Its enhances and adds more beautiful to images. It will help you to stunning your images to make unique and awesome looks.
This action has been tested and working on Photoshop CC2020 English Version. Software supported version:CS4,CS5,CS5.5,CS6,CC2014,CC2015,CC2015.5,CC2016, CC2017,CC2018,CC2019,CC2020+ English Version.
I think you will like my other works. Have a look at my portfolio for more amazing Photoshop Action. Here is the link:
Most important instruction:
(1) First open an image in Photoshop. Expand the space around your photo for best results. Select your Background image and take crop tool from tools bar then expand all side. Now you need resize your image. For resize image select crop tools and go top menu bar you see W x H x Reso three blank box. Write W 3000px,H 2000px,Resolation 72. Then press enter button.
(2) Open your photo Create a new layer then rename paint( in lowercase). Then select a soft brush and paint your image. Close "paint" layer eye and keep selection "paint" layer Then click action play button.
File Includes:
ATN Files include(Photoshop Action File)
Brush File
Help File
PDF Help File
Work on every photos.
High quality result.
Easy Customizable
Organize layers
Easy Install
User Guide
Easy to Use
No photoshop skill needed