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VideoHive - Fresh Transitions - 23329699

VideoHive - Fresh Transitions - 23329699

The 800 Fresh Transitions for Adobe After Effects is a versatile package of transitions that offers a collection of various transitions set into 8 categories, including Particles, Overlay, Distortion, Camera, Glitch, Minimal, Artistic, and Split. With over 800 transitions, this package is perfect for any video projects and is suitable for use by any level user. Adding transitions is made easy with just two clicks, and the transitions are responsive and adaptable to any video format and resolution. These transitions are compatible with After Effects CC 2014.2 and above and also support Premiere Pro CC via the Dynamic Link feature. This product does not require any third-party plug-ins, and each category is included in a separate .aep file for a faster loading and workflow. The transitions are fully customizable with the help of the controllers, and video tutorials are included to assist you with the customization process. Whether you are creating a promo, slideshow, trailer, opener, or any other video project, the 800 Fresh Transitions for Adobe After Effects is the perfect package to enhance the quality of your videos.
