Main » Mock-Up's » Street Billboard Mockup - CB99WXA
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Street Billboard Mockup - CB99WXA

Street Billboard Mockup - CB99WXA

The Street Billboard Mockup is a versatile design asset that allows you to showcase your artwork or advertising on a high-quality, realistic billboard. With its included Adobe Photoshop file (PSD), editing this mockup is a breeze thanks to the user-friendly Smart Object feature. This mockup boasts a high resolution of 3000x2000 px at 300 dpi, ensuring that your artwork will look stunning and professional. With its organized layers, you can easily customize the design to suit your brand's needs. To use, simply open the PSD file in Adobe Photoshop, double-click the Smart Object layer, paste your design onto the layer, and save. The result is a gorgeous, realistic representation of your design on a street billboard.
